For a full list of funding (40+ grants), please see the CV. CV as pdf

Major Grants

Principal Investigator, Development of large-scale composite null hypothesis testing approaches to perform translational genetics analyses, NIH/NIGMS (PI: Ryan Sun), 1R35GM154843, 9/2024-8/2029, $1,250,000 direct costs
Core Co-Director, Epigenetic basis and therapeutic targeting of the unique lymphoma immunological niche, NIH/NCI (PI: Christopher Flowers), 1P01CA272295, 10/2024-9/2029
Core Co-Director, Translating molecular profiles into treatment approaches to target disparities in lymphoma, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (PI: Jean Koff), 7038-25, 10/2024-9/2029
Core Co-Director, MD Anderson Cancer Center SPORE in gastrointestinal cancer, NIH/NCI (PI: Scott Kopetz), P50CA221707, 8/2019-5/2025