Spring 2021: Survival Analysis
Tues/Thurs 10am
Set 1: Parametric Inference
Set 2: Censoring and Likelihood
Set 3: Kaplan-Meier Estimator
Set 4: Logrank Test
Set 5: Cox Regression I
Set 6: Cox Regression II
Set 7: Cox Regression III
Set 8: Stochastic Processes
Set 9: Martingales I
Set 10: Martingales II
Set 11: Martingales III
Set 12: Martingale CLT
Homework 1 (Email to me before class on Jan 26) - 1.6, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10, 1.12, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6
Homework 2 (Email to me before class on Feb 11) - 5.8, 5.11, 5.12, 6.6., 7.3, 7.7
Also download this dataset,
where “arm” stands for treatment arm and “status” is 1 for death or 0 for censored observations.
First, write your own function to calculate the restricted mean survival time up to 18 months, i.e.
the area under the curve up to 18 months, in both arms (don’t use any packages or prewritten functions,
except to check your work). Then, calculate the 1-year survival of patients in both arms, as well as
a 95% confidence interval for this quantity (again, submit your own code, but you can use packages
to check your work). Finally, plot the Kaplan-Meier curves, perform a log-rank test for difference
in survival by treatment, and calculate a hazard ratio for the treatment (you can use existing packages for this last sentence).
Homework 3 (Email to me any time on Mar 2) - 10.2, 11.1, 11.5
Also you are allowed to resubmit any incorrect answers from HW2 to regain lost points. If you do this, please make sure you are very clear about what has changed in your resubmission. If I am unable to read/understand the changes, I cannot make adjustments.
Spring 2023: Survival Analysis
Monday/Wednesday 10:30am BSRB S3.8351
Please see above
Homework 1 (Email to me by end of day Jan 27) - 1.6, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10, 1.12, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6
Homework 2 (Email to me by end of day Feb 10) - 5.8, 5.11, 5.12, 6.6., 7.3, 7.7
Also download this dataset,
where “arm” stands for treatment arm and “status” is 1 for death or 0 for censored observations.
First, write your own function to calculate the restricted mean survival time up to 18 months, i.e.
the area under the curve up to 18 months, in both arms (don’t use any packages or prewritten functions,
except to check your work). Then, calculate the 1-year survival of patients in both arms, as well as
a 95% confidence interval for this quantity (again, submit your own code, but you can use packages
to check your work). Finally, plot the Kaplan-Meier curves, perform a log-rank test for difference
in survival by treatment, and calculate a hazard ratio for the treatment (you can use existing packages for this last sentence).
Spring 2025: Survival Analysis
Tuesday/Thursday 9:20am 1MC12.3434
Please see above
Homework 1 (Email to me by end of day Jan 28) - 1.6, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10, 1.12, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6
Homework 2 (Email to me by end of day Feb 18) - 5.8, 5.11, 5.12, 6.6., 7.3, 7.7
Also download this dataset,
where “arm” stands for treatment arm and “status” is 1 for death or 0 for censored observations.
First, write your own function to calculate the restricted mean survival time up to 18 months, i.e.
the area under the curve up to 18 months, in both arms (don’t use any packages or prewritten functions,
except to check your work). Then, calculate the 1-year survival of patients in both arms, as well as
a 95% confidence interval for this quantity (again, submit your own code, but you can use packages
to check your work). Finally, plot the Kaplan-Meier curves, perform a log-rank test for difference
in survival by treatment, and calculate a hazard ratio for the treatment (you can use existing packages for this last sentence).